Aalia Hashem
Contact Improvisation Teacher and Dance Artist
Based in Bali / Canada, Aalia has grown the community by hosting workshops, retreats, jams, and specials events in Contact Improvisation since 2019. Momentum Beginners Contact Workshop has been taught 25 + times and evolved into a Facilitator Training, from which our graduates are now sharing the practice of Contact in their communities worldwide. Her inquiry into the CI form has taken her to study with over 40 Contact teachers, beginning at Edam Dance Company, in her hometown of Vancouver, Canada. Aalia is the host of "Faces of CI" podcast - conversations in Contact, and "Contact Body" online. She organized Bali Eco Stay Jam (2021) and Current Artist Retreat (2002). Clients include at Bali Bloom Festival, Towards CI50 Festival, and Flow60 Retreat. Her energy is described by students as technical, playful, light, and joyful.